This is my blog. It will be a blog about my trials and tribulations while training for my first 100 mile race. That’s right, 100 miles. My feet will be the only thing propelling me forward for 100 miles. Non-stop. I will have 32 hours to complete those 100 miles. This is not going to be easy. Less than 5,000 people successfully complete a 100 mile endurance run a year. Many more sign up. I have heard of some races where 50 sign up, and only 3 finished. Yikes.
This will not be a flowery, poetic blog. I don’t write that way. It’s not my style. It will be honest and blunt, and many may think I have shared too much information (I am looking at you Janet). That is ok. I want this to be an honest account of what it takes to get to the point of being able to run 100 miles. You will read about dietary/intestinal issues, bloody nipples, and “chub rub” in places that you would never have thought possible to get it, and I am sure many other things that will make you, the reader, uncomfortable.
Why would anyone do this, you ask? I have always wanted to run this distance. I think just so I can say I did it. Heck, my second official race I ever ran, and longest to date, was Surf the Murph 50k (33.4 miles). I didn’t even bother with a marathon. Just went for it. I have since run 2 marathons and one more 50k, and many races at distances shorter than a marathon.
For a really good race report, and to get an idea of what type of hell it can be to run this distance, read this race report. This is the report that re-inspired me to make an attempt at this again. This is the race I will be "running".
I don’t know if I will ever run another one, whether I complete this one or not. It takes so much time and energy just to train for it, I don’t know if I will be able to dedicate another 11 month period of my life again or not.
That’s correct. Eleven months! I have races lined up to use as rehearsal runs for the big day. Here is that list:
Feb 8th - 10 Miles - Kansas
April 19th - 26.2 Miles - Kansas
May 10th - 50k - Indiana
Sept 5th - 50 Miles - Michigan
1 pacer for the last 16 mile loop
Sept 27th - 100k - Ohio
1 pacer for the last 16 mile loop
Nov 1 - 100 Miles - Missouri
4 pacers for the last 60 miles.
I probably won’t be putting up a daily blog. It may be weekly or it may be monthly. It will depend upon my mood! I am working on one for January right now. These entries will probably be a mish mash of training run reports, pictures while on those runs, and race reports for that month.
A secondary goal for this is to loose weight. My goal weight for this race would be around 165-170 lbs. I started the year at 200. In a way, I think this goal will be hard to achieve than actually running the 100 miles.
Hopefully you will enjoy these reports, or at least get some satisfaction out of knowing that you are probably a lot saner than I am.
Good reading and good luck!